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  • Ngày Quân Lực 19/06/2019 ở San Diego

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Hãy uống một chay rượu vang/đỏ trong mùa Giáng Sinh nầy!

Hàng triêu người trên thế giới đang khuyến khích chúng ta hãy cùng nhau Uống một hay hai chay rượu vang/đỏ trong mùa Giáng Sinh nầy để đập tan trò chơi bỉ ổi mà Trung cộng đang hèn hạ trả thù (bully) kinh tế Úc bằng cánh đánh thuế nhập cảng rượu đỏ của Úc lên tới 212% sau khi Úc cùng các nước trên thế giới muốn tìm ra nguốn gốc của Coromna virus.

'Will not be bullied': citizens around the world told to buy Australian wine in stand against China

By Latika Bourke
December 1, 2020

London: Millions of people around the world are being urged to buy an Australian bottle of wine or two, as a way of showing Chinese President Xi Jinping that the world will not be intimidated by his "bullying of Australia".

The Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China (IPAC), comprising more than 200 MPs from a range of political parties and representing 19 country legislatures, has launched a campaign to convince people to buy and drink Australian wine in December, as a show of solidarity.

MPs from around the world have featured in a video campaign to convince people to drink an Aussie drop in December in response to China's move to impose high tariffs on Australian wine.

MPs from around the world have featured in a video campaign to convince people to drink an Aussie drop in December in response to China's move to impose high tariffs on Australian wine.Credit:IPAC/Screengrab

It comes after China slapped tariffs of up to 212 per cent against Australian wine producers, which Trade Minister Simon Birmingham said would spell a "hellishly tough time for Australia’s winemakers."

The global alliance of cross-party representatives, who have banded together to try to counter China's increasing aggression particularly against Australia, released a video in which MPs from Japan, Italy, Germany, the United States and even Australia's wine-producing rival New Zealand, among others, urge their citizens to enjoy an Australian drop. The video is subtitled in Chinese and English.



After China's tariffs on Australian wine, global campaign calls for people to drink a 'bottle or two'


A global alliance of parliamentarians have called on their compatriots to "stand against authoritarian bullying" as they launch a campaign to support Australian winemakers battered by Chinese trade tariffs.

In a short video released on Tuesday, a number of MPs from the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China (IPAC) called on their citizens to ditch their national beverages this December in a bid to support the Australian wine industry.

IPAC represents more than 200 MPs from 19 countries who describe themselves as a "cross-party group of legislators working towards reform on how democratic countries approach China".

In the video, Labor senator Kimberley Kitching said China's recent behaviour amounted to an attempt to "bully" Australia into "abandoning its values", while noting Beijing's list of 14 grievances and suspension of a number of Australian exports.

"This isn't just an attack on Australia. It's an attack on free countries everywhere," Senator Kitching said.

Later, Miriam Lexmann — a Slovakian member of the European Parliament — invited people to "stand against Xi Jinping's authoritarian bullying".

Swedish councillor Elisabet Lann implored people to "let the Chinese Communist Party know we will not be bullied" by drinking a "bottle or two of Australian wine".

Chinese tariffs to 'devastate' Australian winemakers

Australian wine has become one of the hardest-hit industries amid the fast-deteriorating bilateral relationship between China and Australia.

Last week, Beijing imposed devastating import taxes, ranging from 107 to 200 per cent, on all Australian wine.

The move followed the preliminary findings of a Chinese anti-dumping investigation, which claimed Australian winemakers were selling wine below the cost of production, and causing China's winemakers "substantial harm". The Australian Government has refuted the claim.

The wine tariffs came after China's Commerce Ministry gave informal instructions to importers to suspend orders of wine and six other types of Australian exports earlier this month.

Australia's wine production industry earned $7 billion of revenue in the past financial year, according to market research firm IBISWorld.

IBISWorld's senior industry analyst Matthew Reeves told the ABC earlier this week the tariffs would deal the industry a "devastating blow" as China made up 36.7 per cent of export revenue for last year.

With tariffs of up to 200 per cent on some winemakers, he expects China's demand for Australian wine to "almost entirely collapse", given Australia will effectively be locked out of the Chinese market.

Australian trade representatives have been unable to speak directly with their Chinese counterparts, and Beijing has so far refused to relent on the imposition of high tariffs on a range of products, as well of the suspension of seven types of Australian exports including coal, copper ore and timber.





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